Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Microwave

So, we (mostly Mike) finally got the microwave installed above the stove on Sunday. Doesn't it look pretty? Ok, maybe *pretty* isn't the right choice of words, but it's so nice to have this appliance in its place-that empty, ugly space that was just waiting for something new and shiny to fill it!

The oven directly below it is also new and shiny. So much so that it hasn't even been used yet....seriously. Mike still has to run a new gas line under the house so that we can officially install the stove too. We have another large microwave, in our mini-kitchen in the family room, that we were using to cook a lot of our food. We really need the real deal working though. I hate to cook so that aspect has been great. The amount we spend on pre-prepared meals and eating out is not-so-great. Time to get moving on some of those final house completion projects!

So, YAY for the microwave! I can't wait to start using it!

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