Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Seattle Bound: Friends

The Braces & The Rules

Martin & Me

While out in Seattle, we had the unique opportunity to visit with some people that we don't get to hang with on a regular basis. Unfortunately, we had almost no free time with all the planned activities and didn't get to fit everyone in that we wanted to or spend enough time with those we did get to see. This is why we need to go back!

As I've mentioned previously, the Rules came with us to 2 of the main weekend events, plus we shared some lovely meals together and watched the 4th of July fireworks from our hotel balcony while it poured rain on everyone else! We also let the kids go swimming at our hotel while the adults enjoyed some time at the hot tub. It was great to be able to spend some quality time together, with Mike and Dave just getting to relax, not worry about work stress,  and share some family time together. Lauren and Tara loved playing with Harrison and Thomas, which was cute to see, and Julia was so sweet....it's too bad we live so far apart!

In between the chaos, I was lucky enough to get a call from a dear friend from my school years, Martin,  who lives in the area. We made a detour and stopped by his lovely home, where we were greeted by his beautiful wife, Nina, another class-mate (Megan) and her friend. Frankly, the visit was too short. I think we could have talked for hours. The girls loved Megan's little pooch and happily played with the puppy the majority of the time while Mike and I tried some local beer and tried to get caught up on the last 15 years. 15 YEARS??!!! Time goes by way too fast....

Hopefully it won't be another 15 before we see these fine folks again!

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