- Why does Tara always ask for a snack? I mean...always...even after we just ate or she just finished her other snack. Why?
- Why does Lauren throw herself down on the ground incoherently sobbing at random times during the day? Why?
- Why does Tara find such pleasure in being sneaky? Sometimes it's funny, but other times I can see the "mean" twinkle in her eyes, and it makes me nervous. Why?
- Why does Lauren insist on putting her shoes on the wrong feet, wearing a hat and a bracelet(s) with every outfit (even if they don't match) and growling (literally) at me if I even *suggest* an alternative. Why?
Just some random thoughts regarding some of the things my kids do that drive me nuts. None of them are bad, per
se, but I find myself unable, at times, to understand their 4 1/2 year old logic. Maybe Tara has a serious sugar deficiency and must consume as many fruit roll-ups and Capri Suns as possible in order to function? Maybe Lauren is truly fashion conscious (God help me) and is testing her style for future runway walks? I don't know......
Sometimes it's so confusing being a parent. You finally feel like you have a handle on what works and what doesn't, and *
BLAM*, they change everything up on you. With the twins starting 4 Year Preschool in the Fall, at an actual school with older kids, I know that Mike and I are going to be challenged in a lot of new ways. Why do they have to grow up so fast? I know that this is one of those questions that everyone asks. And, I know some parents who will go to great lengths to keep their children in a box, afraid to let them truly grow and
experience the real world and all the good and bad that goes along with it.
I don't want to be that parent. I want the girls to know that the world is greater than our home town, our State, or our country. That there really are bad people out there, who do terrible things and sometimes get away with it. I want them to know that our planet is wonderful too, but just a tiny piece of the greater universe. And most of all, I want them to know that they are important, special and loved...no matter what.
So maybe Tara does need that extra
popsicle today and maybe Lauren's 10 extra bracelets really do make her outfit *pop*. And I guess that maybe, just maybe, their mother will love them just a little bit more because of it.