Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Kids say the funniest things! Right?
How about when they say a new phrase that makes you stop and think, "Wow, where did she learn that?". As in Lauren telling me, "No problem, Mom. It's a piece-of-cake!" and me asking her if she knew what that meant. Her response? "Mom, it means "It's easy!" What?! How do they know these things? Why do they have to grow up so fast? What else are they learning?!!!!!
Some of it is just great...walking into our favorite Chinese restaurant and having Tara say to our waitress, "ni-hao". Or, at another favorite eating establishment, having the waiter ask Lauren what she would like to have, and hearing her say politely, "I'd like a chicken and cheese Quesadilla, please!". Just warms my heart!
On the flip side, not everything they are learning is for the better and it really tests your parenting skills when a toddler faux pas is said in a very public place or in listening range of unsuspecting victims. For example, our daughter Tara asking me, "Why doesn't that girl brush her teeth?" while walking past a woman with obvious dental hygiene concerns. Or, Lauren asking, "Is that Grandma having a baby?" when a older woman was carrying a little extra weight around the ol' midsection. Uhhhhhh.... What do you do? How do you handle an episode like that?
I usually just try to steer them away from the situation, explain to them that it isn't polite to talk about other people, and pray that it never happens again!
Ahhhh, kids. What can you do? Just love 'em I guess!
Friday, August 22, 2008
On the intro page to the GEOCACHING website, they give a good little description of what this sport is all about.
"Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The basic idea is to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share your experiences online. Geocaching is enjoyed by people from all age groups, with a strong sense of community and support for the environment."
Here is a list of things that you will need to get you started:
- Hand-held GPS Unit.

The Waypoint or GC# is located in the upper Right hand corner of the page and will be your reference number for each individual cache. You'll also see on the center/top of the page the Geocache Title, the owner, the size of the hidden container, the difficulty of the hide and the difficulty of the terrain. These items help you determine if this is a cache that you are interested in searching out. For example, a 1-Star Terrain usually means that it is Handicap Accessible and a 5-Star Terrain usually means that a boat or other special equipment is required to find it.
Just below this information is the key to the location of the Geocache, your longitude and latitude. This is the waypoint that you will need to enter into your GPS unit to get you to the hidden container.
In the middle of the page is a description of the cache or location and should give you some clues as to what you are looking for or the type of area you are going to be searching in. You'll also see a Google Map of the area and some cache attributes that will also help your team be more prepared, such as letting you know the cache is "Winter Friendly" (meaning most likely not on the ground) or that it's a "Lunchtime Cache" (meaning it can be completed in less than 1 hour).
At the bottom of the page you can read all the logs from other Geocaching Teams that have already found this cache and what they had to say about it. You can log your find by clicking on the link on the upper Right hand corner of the page, under "Navigation", called "Log Your Visit".
- If you take something from the geocache, leave something of equal or greater value.
- Write about your experience in the geocache logbook.
- Place your geocaching stories and photos online when you log your find!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
No Rest for the Weary

Here's our Team just after the find! (Tara's got the GPS!)
Wednesday was super busy as well, watching my adorable niece Hailey for the day and then off to hang out with the Hower's for dinner and playground time. Picked the park strategically so we could also plan some activities for the big AGE OF DISCOVERY Geocaching Event on Saturday. As Todd would say, "Woo Hoo!"
Today is a day of rest and catching up on home stuff before the weekend comes and with it, more good times with friends and family. I feel blessed to be so busy!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Life Lessons
One of the life lessons that I have learned this year is that it's hard to ask for help. AND, it's equally as hard to know how to give it. I'm sure many of you can relate and have found a way to do these things without dreading the thought of making someone feel uncomfortable, putting undue burden upon them or worrying that it's not enough. I just haven't gotten to that point yet.
However, I am going to do it, no matter how uneasy I feel doing it. I'm asking for your help.
With my husband (Mike) in California most of the month, I'm on my own with the girls. I didn't think it would be easy, the Lord knows others have it much worse than me, but I still find myself looking for an excuse to go out because it's lonely when you have no one in the house during the day or at night to talk to.
-Add: Another phobia that I forgot in the last post-I have a very real fear of making phone calls. No, I'm not joking and it has nothing to do with being lazy. I just can't do it, at least not easily. So, when you say, "Just call me!", I think to myself, "Oh no!". Thank goodness for e-mail!
I'm also still recovering from Guillain-Barré Syndrome. I just can't do all the things that I once could only 6 months ago. Sure, most of them are trivial, but when your backup isn't around, you feel lost. I just can't water the plants that are above eye level, my arms won't support the weight of the watering can. I can't just get down on the ground and play with the girls. It's almost impossible to stand back up. And I'm so fatigued by the end of the day....
Don't get me wrong! It's getting better, so much better. But, it's not easy.
Anyway, I just want to ask anyone who's reading, who's willing to lend a hand, to help me by doing one or more of the following things:
- Send me a note or drop me a line every once-in-awhile. It helps. And if I don't respond right away, just know that I appreciate it and I will get back with you!!!
- If you wouldn't mind having 3 extra girls join you for lunch or dinner some night, we would love to come along and see you and help in any way that we can.
- If you just want to hang out or want someone to talk to, think of me. I'll be a good listener.
- If you're in our neck of the woods and want to take a break, stop in and see us. Our home may be littered with toys but I can find a clean seat for you to relax in!
I wanted to end with another life lesson that I learned this year. Friends and family are a blessing unlike any other and without them, I would not be me, and I like being me! So, to all my "blessings", YOU ROCK!!!!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
You're such a SAHMBOSS!
She tagged me with this meme/award which is now known as The Super Awesome Hot Mama Blogger or some shit (SAHMBOSS) meme/award. So you can blame her for the introduction of naughty language to this blog (which doesn't bother me any) and the ensuing waste of your time.
Below are my answers to some fascinating (or not) questions.
Let the SAHMBOSSing around begin!
A. Attached or single? Attached via wedding ring.
B. Best friend? My husband..followed very closely by my sister.
C. Cake or pie? Pie. My favorite is Blueberry!
D. Day of choice? Saturday
E. Essential item? My digital camera and baby wipes.
F. Favorite color? Green.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Hmmm...I really like both. I think that I prefer gummy bears though...they're easier to grab a handful of!
H. Hometown? Grand Rapids, MI.
I. Indulgence? Buying things for the twins-I love shopping for them!
J. January or July? Well, I would say July for the weather of course but January holds a special place in my heart as well. It's a tie!
K. Kids? Twin girls.
L. Life isn’t complete without? Fun, laughter, sharing, and bad jokes.
M. Marriage date? May 8th, 1999 (can you believe it's gonna be 10 years next May!!!)
N. Number of brothers & sisters? My sister Anna is 3 years younger and my brother Kevin is 5 years my junior.
O. Oranges or apples? Apples for sure, especially my Mom's homemade applesauce.
P. Phobias? Not being able to pay the bills, drowning, being outside in the dark.
Q. Quotes? “Anybody want a peanut?" - The Princess Bride
R. Reasons to smile? Geocaching, my girls, family, the love of my husband.
S. Season of choice? Fall-the world just smells good in the Fall.
T. Tag seven peeps! Not gonna do it!
U. Unknown fact about me? I never studied in school. I went to class, I read the chapters and did the homework. That's it. No more. No less. Please don't hate me!
V. Vegetable? Zucchini, sautéed with onions and butter. Yum!
W. Worst habits? Totally wasting time on the Internet, procrastination, not making the bed and neglecting my chores for one more chapter in my book.
X. X-ray or ultrasound? Ultrasound. It showed me one of the most beautiful sights of my life, my babies.
Y. Your favorite food? Chocolate.
Z. Zodiac sign? Pisces. The Fishes.
Pisces Traits
Imaginative and sensitive
Compassionate and kind
Selfless and unworldly
Intuitive and sympathetic
Now that you have been enlightened, please feel free to comment or post answers of your own! Hope that everyone is having a great day!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
She Makes Me Smile, She Tries to Sing
This song in particular is one that caught me off guard. It is soft, meaningful and heartfelt. Mike likes to sing it to me and I happily let him, usually joining in when I can't stand to keep my vocal cords silent any longer.
Did you know that Mike can sing? He's pretty darn good! I know that I love to sing and we when we get a chance to do it together, like on long road trips, I find the meaning of perfect contentment. It's good...
She tells me that she needs me,she tells me that she's glad,
And if she goes away, I'm like someone who's left out in the rain,
I need, I need her, I need her love.
She came in from the west, a summer breeze I couldn't rest,
I had to take a fast train, to be there by her side,
She made me feel so good, she made it like it should be all the time
I need, I need her, I need her love.
Just when I was thinkin' of her, she came along and made me
want her. I need her love, I need her love, I need her love.
If she goes away, I'm like someone who's left out in the rain,
I need, I need her, I need her love.
The boats that sail, the planes that fly,she is with me.
I wonder if she wonders, if this is all for real,
I couldn't stand to see her cry because of me, that would be sad.
I need, I need her, I need her love.
She tells me everything, she makes me smile, she tries to sing,
But never shares her suffering, if things are going wrong,
She makes it like a dream, if things are as they seem the
world is good. I need her love, I need her love, I need her love.
"Discovery" 1979
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
A Week with Mike
We also went for a nice boat ride with Grandma & Grandpa Brace. The day was perfect and we all enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine.
Lots of little things going on this week but our main goal is getting ready for the MidWest GeoBash, which is currently regarded as the 2nd largest Geocaching event in the world. This year it's in Kendallville, IN and Mike and I are going Fri.-Sun. while my Parents watch the girls for us! We're really excited to go and hang out with all our caching buddies and just get away for a couple of days.
Please bear with me as I learn all the ins and outs of blogging and this site. I'm having fun with it so far!
Monday, August 4, 2008
A Blog from Us!
So, to those that are reading this, enjoy!
I plan on keeping this site up-to-date with issues regarding my health, Mike's work in CA and of course, our twin girls!