So, I am forcing myself to make a list. I like lists and they usually work for me-groceries, trip packing, school supplies, etc. I normally don't need to make them for everyday issues but things have gotten out of hand and I feel that I have no choice. We are going to be moving soon (made an offer on a house today) and I really need to work out a game plan to get this house packed, cleaned and move-able by the end of March. Plus, if we get the house in question, it will need a lot of work before we can move into it and time is of the essence. Mike and I will really need to make a plan in regards to which improvements come first and stick with it.
But before all of that, my real concerns lie in the everyday things that I am not getting accomplished. The floors are vacuumed and the clothes are washed, piano dusted and dishes clean but I still have not gotten out all the "Thank Yous" from the girls' birthday party(s), responded to e-mails that should have been taken care of immediately, filed all the paperwork that is piling up like a mountain on my desk and dining room table and counter, etc.....
So, I would like to start by thanking our dear friends, Joe and Sharon, for sending the beautiful dolls to Lauren and Tara for their birthday. It was completely unexpected and they were thrilled with their first porcelain dolls-they are so careful with them but still play with them like their other babies. So cute! I'm attaching a picture of them watching a movie and holding their dollies with care. I apologize for it taking so long to let you know that they arrived safe and sound and to let you know how much we appreicate your kindness and friendship!
Now, on to the rest of the list!

1 comment:
I've already decided I'll need to take my first vacation without going anywhere... 1 Week to work on the new house/pack.
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