Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Just Another Manic Monday

Mike flew out of Grand Rapids at 6am this morning and landed safely in Burbank, CA around 1pm Eastern time. He was not looking forward to leaving again and neither was I. We were just getting back to being a family unit again and then everything changes.

It is wet, and cold, and dreary today, which matches my mood exactly. The girls are feeling it too and have been ornery. They refused to take their naps today, ignored lunch and at dinner tonight with my sister and her family, Lauren had a downright meltdown. Which in turn caused her 15 month old cousin to have one, which in turn almost caused me to have one! We all literally ran out of the was the end, all we could do was laugh. It was bad!

The one bright spot this week was that the girls and I were going to start taking a Mommy & Me class, Tues./Thurs., which runs in two week sessions. Each session focuses on a different theme, such as cooking, crafts, singing, world culture, etc. and it is being offered through our school district. Then I get the call this afternoon that the first session did not have enough participants so we would not be starting school after all. I didn't know what to tell the girls. They were so looking forward to going. I quickly enrolled us in a different class that's all about science and starts on Thursday-I hope that class isn't canceled too!

I just have to focus on the next three weeks and getting everything ready to go, since as soon as Mike gets back, we are going on vacation for a week to the Poconos in Pennsylvania. 1 whole week together as a family sounds so nice! No work, no worries, no household chores...just time. Time with each other. Time to relax. Time to have fun. Time, what a wonderful gift it is...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad we can laugh about it together!

Vicky said...

Hi, Ren. Sounds like you guys are enjoying the end of the summer. Glad Mike was home for the week-end. How much longer is he going to have to spend in CA? Bob is on Mackinac Island right now at a conference, but will be home late tonight. Now I'll have to "look forward" to his going to Brazil sometime in the next few months. You know what though. I have enough to do to keep me busy although I do miss the "warm body" at night! Let me know (really, and don't be afraid to ask) if you need anything or just a visitor or helper. I don't work, so I'm home all day. Vicky Reed

Vicky said...

Forgot to mention--Bob and I absolutely hate going through Chicago. The prices of things are too high, the traffic is horrendous, and the people are rude. I try to avoid that as much as possible! Sounds like you had a good time at the aquarium though--until it got crowded.


Ren said...

Thank you for the nice comments, Vicky. Mike will be doing the CA thing until December for sure, maybe longer. Thank you for the flowers the other week too! It was a wonderful and uplifting surprise. Why is Bob going to Brazil?

Vicky said...

Mike probably knows about the Brazilian project....something to do with planes, obviously. Bob has been put on that project along with another project that is moving along poorly. I wonder if they think he can perform miracles!